most annoying college football fans

most annoying college football fans

The ones with fans that blab, blab, blab about. Sure, they have a history better than most, but they aren't at that level. Here are four common factors I found in picking crappy fan bases: a. Boorishness: Are you drinking enough to kill a beluga whale and then taking random swings at opposing fans children? (Photo by Rob Foldy/Getty Images). The administration even had to issue a statement that asked students to behave better at the football games. I even have personal experience with Arkansas fans as A&M played them earlier in Dallas this season. Notre Dame is a proud member of the historic Notre Dame conference. If it goes so far as the school President has to get involved, it has gone too far. The snow. The ABSOLUTE FORWARD PASS in the playoffs in Tennessee in 2000. UT has attended two national Championships since 2005,. Fan bases and college football are a beautiful marriage. Why do you have to add the The before Ohio State University? Is it really that important? It has history, tradition and one of the best programs out there. Id like to rewind to the year 1993, when everyone was convinced the Pats would move to St. Louis and become the Stallions, and most Boston people COULDNT CARE LESS. They wear "trojan" helmets and sunglassestwo things that literally do not go together. Which Green Bay now collectively pretends never happened. Sure! The Dirty Birds. Pac-12 fans get too drunk during games, per this survey. Other SEC fans are more than enthusiastic to claim Gator fans are some of the rudest, most classless and craziest in their conference. They liked Leinart. Darren Rovell's talking point in this week's ranked discussion, a poll to . Ah, Green Bay. So exciting! Buckeyes have a tendency to yell at other fans (and flip a car or two), which is probably why fans ranked them high on our list. You should. Of course, they do have their much-maligned group of officials to be dealing with. (Yes, I know that it actually came from a group of hard-fighting Civil War soldiers.)). Not a great look. Telling someone youre a Lions fan is basically an extension of telling someone youre from Detroit. Now the Bulldogs. Notre Dame graduates around 2,000 students a year, yet its influence is so vast, so far-reaching, and so annoying that if an alien were to land his spacecraft on Earth and become a college football fan, hed most likely presume Notre Dame to be our worlds largest educational center. Florida fans are literally insane. If you ever face off against a Boise State fan, they will have many arguments on why their team deserves a shot at the national title and what conspiracy BCS theories have kept them out of it all these years. They tossed water bottles at their former head coach like their were egging their middle school teacher's house. Look, whether it started with the Saints or Bengals, no one cares -- its dumb either way. The pristine beaches, sunny weather, food, attractive people and world-renowned nightlife can become stale. He suffered severe head injuries, including a crushed eye socket and a broken nose. This could have been their year for a shot had it not been for the Memphis Tigers. However, the majority of engagements are pretty translucent as to where that line is and some fanbases just take it too far, most of the time on purpose. Teams Big 12 Oklahoma SEC Alabama Arkansas Auburn Florida Georgia LSU Tennessee Texas A&M ACC Clemson UNC Big Ten Iowa Michigan. Roll Tide? 5 Most Celebrated/Annoying College Football Chants: Florida State's Tomahawk Chop. During winning periods, are you at a game wearing a shirt from your decade-old national championship run? Ohio State has a long and storied tradition of being one of the top ranked programs in the country. The MOST Annoying College Football Fans 1,191 views May 23, 2022 61 Dislike Share Save Crain & Company 12.4K subscribers We rank the most annoying college football fan bases and it gets. Just getting stories of college football teams/fans that have stayed at a Fiesta Bowl hotel. Last season was the first time Alabama wasnt involved in the College Football Playoffs. The urine-filled balloons tossedat the Ohio State band in 2005 (an incident that is, unfortunately, difficult to write about without chuckling, so Im a shithead too, I suppose). Whats so funny about this, is most UA fans cant stand Gary. Arizona considers themselves the premier university in its state, and as much as that may not mean much, they certainly like to make a big deal out of it. Unfortunately, Nick Foles' unbelievable run that culminated in out-dueling Tom Brady in the Super Bowl made you even more insufferable, though it did give the world one of the greatest videos ever captured. It was pretty impressive that this John Elway-constructed team was able to win a Super Bowl with a knock-off version of Peyton Manning assembled from fused vertebrae and a spaghetti noodle for an arm. Alabama is not difficult to hate. This is going to sound like I'm quoting Yoda, but this is totally true. Things are not going well. Penn States hateability also stems from a long-term success that traditionally led to an inflated ranking. Earlier this week, Alabama, Ohio State, Tennessee and Texas were voted as the four most annoying fanbases in college football. That's the essence of Eagles fans right there. Eagles fans are the people who get into fights at an eight-year-old girls' T-ball game, possibly with an eight-year-old girl. The Volunteers came in fourth, with their bad habit of throwing trash onto the field when things dont go their way. But at least Raider fans have the damn sense to stay home when their owner makes decades-worth of bad decisions. b. Arrogance: Do you refuse to believe other colleges exist in your state? That is completely ridiculous and is the highest among college sports. It's a "you just have to be there to see it" kind of deal. A recent ranking of the worst fan bases in college football went viral on social media. c. Success and making excuses for illegally gained success: Have you won a few national championships lately? But you're still nice Midwesterners, which means you have even fewer issues giving up and jumping on the Packers bandwagon. I hope youll still have me for a couch-burning sometime, Mountaineers. The gripe I have with Tennessee is more with their program. We should be #1," another Vols fan wrote. The days of Johnny Manziel are long gone and that was the height of their success. To even brag about this is insanity. These fans have assimilated sports writers, the media, and the BCS haters. It applies to USC. And this is a horrible image. Being the unofficial college football historian that I am, Ive decided to look at which fans drive the blood pressure up of everybody else in America. The University of Miami has never exactly been the epitome of class and high stature, but some of their fans take that lowly reputation and love to smother it with mud and stomp on it till it till the cows come in. The two No. (6-foot-3, 205 pounds), and also annoying to play . Rounding out the top five is Michigan State. Nebraska fans do have a lot to be excited about for their future though. Earlier, I claimed Texas to be the most arrogant of all the Texas schools, which I promise you is true. No, it is not. Absolutely! The Scarlet Knights may be the flagship university in a state that is literally known best for its rude and crazy drivers, but that doesn't excuse them from this list. (And theyre now calling for his firing after a disappointing season.). Sure, your players can blow their hands off on Fourth of July or shoot themselves in the foot at a nightclub, but they do it the Giants way! The Tuscaloosa police even watched out for certain Florida fans after posting a video online. Jesus. In fact, it's the reason I researched them in the first place. Not because the team is subpar, but because your average season-ticket holder is 84 and stays home after dark or if theres a 10% chance of rain. Here are 9 reasons why. Jags fans are the NFL's least obnoxious fans in large part because they BARELY exist, despite a surprise run to the 2018 AFC Championship Game with none other than Blake Bortles running the show. Clemson fans travel well and the whole $2 bill tip thing is "cute." Of the entire Pac-12, these fans take the cake for being the rudest. But everyone knows you dyed-in-the-wool Pats fans are really just Bruins fans in Bradys clothing. As the standing of being one of the elites faded away, so did the annoying fans, but theyre still around somewhere. They literally will ignore you, no matter how strong your facts are. Most of the fan base living off their glory years, but, hey, maybe they can get back one of these days. Every media member and their wife can't stop talking about Alabama, and Alabama fans can't stop talking about the greatness of their program. They are some of the most annoying groups of people, but which fan baseis the worst of the lot. You poor bastards almost won a championship your first season after moving from Houston. (A caveat: Winning clean and unclean championships are equally bad. Build your customFanSided Daily email newsletter with news and analysis onAll College Football and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more. And if that isn't rude, I don't know what is. The Notre Dame Fighting Irish, a team that is always in the national spotlight. The gospel according to Touchdown Jesus clearly states a blowout loss to Alabama in January is a holy tradition. Ah, another SEC school. Probably because the number of teal seats you see on television is directly proportional to the number of wins the Panthers have that season, and what kind of mood Cam Newton is in. Which is fine. The success. The misery that was the 2012 national championship game. (As a postscript, all the girls they show on TV during the games wear sundresses and are extremely hot, While, here, the streets still smell and everyone is unhappy. How would you rank the most "annoying" fan bases in all of college football. One thing I found in my research was some LSU fans claiming, with backup, that the fans in Arkansas continued to cheer and "call the hogs" even when an LSU player was injured on the field. Feelings about college football fan bases are pretty simple: You don't like any that you're not a part of. The Super Bowl quadfecta. Spurrier was notorious for running up the scorethe 1995 Georiga game still holds a certain mythic quality in the SEC for poor sportsmanshipand even though he has found admiring fans during his semi-retirement at South Carolina, he was utterly loathed in the 1990s. The model franchise. All rights reserved. We've selected the sixteen fandoms that lead the pack, organized into four regions. 2 most arrogant behind the Crimson Tide, which may come as little surprise to those who see the Fighting Irish believing their team is the be-all, end-all in college football. Oregon has been extremely successful over the past few years, attending a national championship and winning a few Pac-10 Championships. Oh, one more thing. I have trouble believing that there are fans out there that don't have the decency to show some respect to a player while hurt, no matter who they may be. The worst part is Buckeye fans know this. One thing most, if not all, college football fans admire about Cornhusker fans is their willingness to travel with their team because who would want to be in Nebraska, am I right? Nick Saban is the greatest college football coach of all time. Ahh, yes, the Texas Longhorns most-bitter rivals. 2 spot is THE Ohio State University. A Cotton Bowl victory over the Longhorns most-hated rivals in Oklahoma. Not to be all clichd (and, yes, we can see your eye-rolling now, Iggles fans), but you are a fanbase that booed Santa Claus, cheered when an opposing player got a career-ending neck injury, and threw batteries at the Easter Bunny. The fact that you have the most Super Bowls helps shut down Cowboys, Giants, and Pats fans, so America is still grateful, pending this year's winner. This time, it's personal. The song has inspired both derision and acclaim. Not only do teams contend with fans, but they have to focus while fans are shaking cowbells throughout the game in one of the most unique traditions in college football. Are there specific nicknames dedicated to fans who did not actually go to your school? West Virginia is a fine school, and Im told cousin-marrying ceremonies in the state have dropped 20% this year. Hopefully, Texas athletic director Chris Del Conte can be the one to finally figure it out. The way this broke down was through a series of head to head matchups, and the final four were all in one poll. After Bo Pelini started as their new head coach, the Cornhuskers have began to ascend back to the top, attending the Big 12 Championship twice (with two losses) before leaving for the Big Ten. The Seahawks compete in the National Football League as a member club of the league's National Football Conference West division. As many people know, with alcohol comes cockiness, and with cockiness comes arrogance. 2 most arrogant behind the Crimson Tide, which may come as little surprise to those who see the Fighting Irish believing their team is the be-all, end-all in college football. This is going to be the worst loss in Alabama history, and its going to send your program into a (expletive) tailspin, he says. Giants fans arent obnoxious at all! 1 worst-behaved football fans in the NCAA and the most arrogant, according to our survey. 21+: is licensed by the Michigan Gambling Control Board (license #007543). It took place during the alcohol-soaked periods before and after a game against LSU in 2011: Police in West Virginia are looking for a group of people accused of attacking four LSU fans leaving Saturday nights game in Morgantown. Our crack team broke em all down, from the NFL's most pleasantly irrelevant fans to the league's most obnoxious. As passionate as these fans are about their football, some things are taking it too far, and chanting obscenities and yelling in other fans faces is a bit over the line.

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most annoying college football fans