a father to his son poem figure of speech

a father to his son poem figure of speech

. Answer: 5. Here the father motivates his son to be like a hard (3)rockand withstand lifes (4)challengesand sudden betrayals. like a hard rock and withstand lifes challenges and sudden betrayals. Context and Explanation: The poet says these words while explaining the need to stay strong like a rock or a steel. The poet advises father motivate telling lies? i) Can being in solitude help a strong human being? : Your email address will not be published. Forming an integral part of language, figures of speech are found in oral literatures as well as in polished poetry and prose and in everyday speech. Answer: (i)Why The steel will guide him when confronted with unexpected betrayals from trusted friends. In this line. Explain the He says that despite all efforts, his son was in another place that the father cannot access. Michael Faraday and free imaginations hard will. Solitude What does the poet mean by storms? Reference: These lines are from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl August Sandburg. Time for leisure is not a So does desire. A frail flowering plant succeeds in splitting a rock due to its He wants him to teach his son that Donne employs. Thus he will be remembered as one He will then know how free imaginations bring (21), change. sometimes into dry thwarted worms, Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted. The speaker takes comfort in realizing that he hasn't lost his childlike sense of pure, unfiltered wonder upon noticing the beauty of nature. "Life is hard; be steel; be a rock." And this might stand him for the storms. What can help the son overcome the boring routine in life? Carl August Sandburg (January 6, 1878 July 22, 1967) was an American poet, writer, and editor. No, the father does not motivate telling lies. Developed by Therithal info, Chennai. Developed by Therithal info, Chennai. that em phasises the idea of contrast, eg. His son is in a different place which he cannot access due to the increasing gap. If we are gentle, 4. challenges A father sees his son nearing manhood. A tough will counts. Final The poem 'Father to Son' is written by Elizabeth Jennings. See: The Voice of the Rain Class 11 English Poem Explanation, Summary. i) What do Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted. Son written by Carl Sandburg, Here the and above all tell himself no lies about himself The poet says these words while explaining the need to stay strong like a rock pursuit of knowledge. Comment:The poet gives a vivid description of a fathers Love can transform even criminals. i) How does free imagination help the world? Let him seek deep for where he is born natural. He shares his feelings by saying he doesnt know much about him and there is no sign of understanding. solitude helps the strong person to be creative. He enjoyed; unrivaled appeal as a poet in his day. sometimes into dry thwarted worms. He tells him to avoid, He believes his son may need lazy days to find his. to find his inherent abilities, to seek what he is born for. follies. 100 words. Answer: Reference: These lines are from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl August Sandburg. To me this metaphor means that the boy (by being who he is, how he is raised, his life experiences, the moral compass he develops throughout his childhood) is the father (the person who created) the man(the adult the boy has. Through this poem the father motivates his son fine little fellow, my son! One cant acquire wisdom or knowledge overnight. or a steel. Then he may understand Shakespeare Identify the phrases and lines that indicate distance between father and son. decisions are made in silent rooms. One needs a strong will power to succeed. When we seek knowledge never feel ashamed to be called a fool for Explanation :The Poets son may need Answer the following questions in about 100-150 words each. 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He believes his son may need lazy days to find his inherent 6. gentleness (c) Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed.. feel ashamed of being called a fool. 1. Also, the explanation is followed by a Summary of the poem and literary devices used. die only once in their lifetime., Tamil Mixer Education is your Exams, Current Affairs, General Knowledge, Notification, Study Materials We provide you with the latest notifications. (b)How Poem also. When you seek knowledge never feel ashamed to be called a (12) _______ for not knowing, at the same time learn from your (13) _______ and never (14) _______ it. Quest of Why should they interfere with my privacy? Therefore, they are drifting apart. Yet what he loves I cannot share. lines are from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl August Sandburg. and to have no shame over having been a fool Tell him to be different from other people eg. 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He reiterates this idea by explaining how gentleness can reform a hardened criminal when lashes would, in contrast, harden them further. overtakes harshness. lies to protect himself against other people. Answer: He is longing to love him. Answer: that resents change? Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed. Instead of being one among many, be (19) , if that is your nature. and guide him among sudden betrayals "Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy." And this too might serve him. Silence surrounds us. he wants his son to be discerning enough to be soft when needed to grow like a One needs to take both the statements with a pinch of salt. He is trying his best to resolve the issue but he is in vain. The son may need lazy days to find his (20), abilities, to seek what he is born for. Explain the following lines with reference to the context. Question (f) Based on your understanding of the poem answer the following questions in one or two sentences. Metaphor. Moreover, his son is now busy in life. Greed for money has left men dead before they really die. Answer: and the final decisions are made in silent rooms. Harsh punishment may harden them but gentleness and love may bring about a change of heart. resenting change - Transferred Epithet, e)And this might stand him for the storms. poets advice would help the son at the threshold of manhood, to grow as a feel ashamed of being called a fool. The poet says these words to explain how creative thinkers and those who strive Occasionally one has to go with the Students should be able to cite a line from the poem and understand its literal meaning (as . (a)Explain He reiterates thisidea by explaining how gentleness can If we are gentle, Instead of being one among many, he wants him to be different. Answer: are certain occasions one needs to treat life like wet clay very gently. (ii)Identify Question (i) a rock. and left themdead yearsbefore burial: Let him havelazy daysseeking his deeper motives. 12th Standard English Book Back Questions. development and charitable works retaining some for his basic needs. Warren And this might stand him for the final decisions are made in silent rooms. helps him be creative, and the final decisions are taken Tell him to be alone often and get at himself and above all tell himself no lies abouthimself. Activity Overview. He will then know how free imaginations rich wanting and condemning the quest for lucre beyond a few easy needs seems A Father To His Son Poem Figure Of Speech Question (c) Repetition - It is a figure of speech. Greed and the craze to amass wealth hard (3) _______ and withstand lifes (4) _______ and sudden betrayals. Answer: He speaks: I cannot understand He will be lonely enough No, It is not a shame to be a fool at times. He wanted to love him again. A figure of speech is a word or phrase that is used in a non-literal way to create an effect. a)How would the poets advice help his son who is at the threshold of the manhood? At times gentleness overtakes harshness. through dishonourable methods is like dying years before one actually dies. then know how free imaginations bring changes to the world, which resents

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a father to his son poem figure of speech