3 0 obj */ The Central Office hours are weekdays from 8am to 4:30pm. Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. column-rule: 1px solid #ddd; Salary: $22,000. ************ DOE employees are eligible for many additional benefits, including commuter benefits, a college savings program, and employee discounts on everything from technology and media to travel and education. .fsBody { margin-top: 28%; { hb```EJo@9&0L`|VGCCFT @1' d/wy9xxyyXsbnFSvLA'(l2 f] New Unit I employees school year = 192 days. .clarchives li a:before { } One example of this professional experience is completion of theSuccess Via Apprenticeship (SVA) program- an internship program offered jointly by the United Federation of Teachers and the NYC DOE. The pay scales for classroom teachers in Wales for 2022-23 Use this table to check whether you're being paid correctly. Teacher Average Teacher Salary Pay Job Details Skills Job Listings Employers $51,647 / year Avg. height: auto; div:has(.paragraph-sidebar) { Temp fix. Agreement 6.22 ( pdf 4.58 MB) Career Development Assistance Request ( pdf 271.94 KB) Career Development Reimbursement Form ( pdf 201.08 KB) Emergency Closings and Cancellations ( pdf 107.01 KB) ESP Pay Scale FY2023 ( pdf 80.87 KB) Fiscal Year Adjusted Allowances for Sick and Personal Leave ( pdf 184.15 KB) WCBOE . This adjusts that. Our website is undergoing maintenance. %PDF-1.5 % } N . @media (max-width: 768px) { We encourage you to continue to visit our web postings on a regular basis. .fsBody .fsSupporting { Parents and guardians: Login IDs for parent accounts have changed. /* 4 0 obj .clarchives ul { Coverage for employees and their families begins on the first day of employment. Additionally, if you are a DOE-employed teacher, school counselor, school psychologist, school social worker, lab specialist, lab technician, school secretary or adult education teacher, you can use our salary schedule calculator. .split ul li { [CDATA[/* >